Our friends at ITC posted a blog a few days ago with 10 Content Ideas for April. If you’ve never been to an insurance conference and aren’t familiar with ITC, they have several products for Agencies including a Comparative Rater, Agency Management System and an Email Marketing Solution that’ll knock your socks off. You should definitely check them out if you’re in the market for any software in an agency. Here are 10 Content Ideas for Insurance Agencies to use in April:
Do you have your insurance agency’s blog post, newsletter, and social media posts ready for April? No? Well, allow me to help.
Sometimes, coming up with a topic is the hardest part. Below you will find an assortment of insurance-related (and some unrelated) content ideas for your agency.
Each month, we post 10 new content ideas for your insurance agency. These seasonal topics suit different customers and lines of business. So, be sure to check back each month for more.
1. Easter and April Fools’ Day – April 1st
Easter falls on a different date from year to year. In 2018, it happens to also coincide with April Fools’ Day. You’d be remiss to not post about this unique coincidence at least on your agency’s Facebook page. Also, be sure to remind your followers to be wary of any strange or ridiculous news articles this day.
2. April Rain Showers
Here in drought-prone Texas, we welcome any chance of rain. But, traffic is always worse when it rains. Write a blog post about how drivers can carefully navigate sudden downpours. Or, you can also write about flash flood warnings.
3. Tax Day – April 17
If your insurance agency also offers tax preparation services, you know this date by heart. If not, don’t forget to remind your customers of this year’s due date to file federal taxes. Put it in your April newsletter, event calendar, or post it on social media.
4. Boat Buying Guide
As boating season approaches, it’s a good idea to write a blog post with your tips about buying a boat. What should customers know before purchasing one? Compile your top tips in an April blog post.
5. Administrative Professionals Day – April 25
Does your agency employ any administrative professionals? These valuable team members keep businesses running smoothly across the US. They are celebrated each year on the last Wednesday of April. If you celebrate this holiday, be sure to post a few pictures on your Facebook page.
You can read the other 5 directly on ITC’s blog.