Often times agency owners will market their agency for sale without getting everything in order first. They go into it thinking they’ll gather the information as soon as they find a qualified buyer. While this thinking may make sense to some, the reality is you can lose
a qualified buyer by not having your financial statements, lease information, carrier information, personnel records and commission statements organized. The first 30-60 days of listing your agency for sale is crucial because interest will be at its peak. It’s best to invest a little time before marketing the agency so qualified prospects don’t get turned off.
Feel free to contact us for information on how to prepare your insurance agency for sale. Finding multiple interested parties to purchase an agency is easy. Finding a qualified buyer that’ll actually negotiate terms, conduct due diligence and write a check is a completely different animal. It has taken you years to build a successful business, invest a week or two before selling to get it in “show” condition.