As we travel the country and speak with agents of all different sizes and revenue size you realize that every agency is different from the next. We have a saying that “Insurance Agencies are like snowflakes, no two are alike”. Often times when I’m Consulting or Training with an agency, they’ll ask for a template or widget that can help them improve their People and Processes. While no two agencies are alike, there are common traits of the fastest growing insurance agencies in the country. CULTURE!
I’ve never, and I mean never walked into an agency with an Owner that was engaged, people that were motivated and a culture we’d all like to work in that was shrinking. Let me repeat, I’ve never seen an agency shrinking with people that had Core Principals like: Belief, Positive Attitude, Charisma, Motivation and discussed them regularly.
Yes, it wasn’t a tool, trinket, widget, carrier, market, product, service or anything else. It’s an engaged leader, motivated people and a culture that exhibits growth. That’s the only common characteristic that I’ve seen agencies that are growing. Part of what we do is help you develop this culture in your agency while giving you enterprise level software to help you Find, Sell and Keep more customers profitably.
If you’d like to learn how to change the culture in your agency, contact us for more info.
Make it a Great Day!