If you’re selling a preferred personal or commercial insurance agency it’s in very high demand

Many calls we take from  prospective buyers for Personal or Commercial Lines Insurance Agencies specifically request preferred carriers such as Mercury, Travelers, Safeco, Hartford and Allied.  Several other carriers are also requested depending on where you are in the country, but there are too many to list here. Whether you’re selling an insurance agency with an office and employees or the buyer can fold your agency into theirs, you could get top dollar in today’s environment. Low interest rates and lack of organic growth are bringing more and more buyers into the insurance agency acquisition space. A seller enhances their value by being matched with an agency that operates similarly to their agency as well as having the same appointments. Obviously the less time and money a buyer has to invest in integration, the more they can pay for the agency. Items we look for are:
  • Do buyer and seller use the same agency management system?
  • Do buyer and seller have similar appointments?
  • Are there any advertising or referral relationships the seller has that are valuable to a specific buyer?
  • Does the seller have employees that can add value to a buyer?
  • Will the seller of the agency want to stay on for awhile or walk away the day of closing?
If you have an insurance agency you’d like to sell or are considering selling in the next year, we offer free, confidential consultations so you can gauge what your agency will be worth when sold. We have a full menu of acquisition and consulting services that every insurance agency can benefit from. Please contact us for more info or call 800.528.1325. Also, visit us on LinkedIn to see what other agents have said about our products and services.