If you haven’t heard, there are a few great ways to reach people everyday and offer your products to them without paying a dime. Yes, Social Networking has exploded over the past couple of years and Insurance Agencies should take advantage of this amazing prospecting tool. Before you can reach the masses, you have to decide where you want to network and you need a following. Our favorite Social networking sites are Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. There are numerous others and you should explore all of them, but these 3 are our favorites.
In order to start a following on Facebook and Linkedin you need to add new, old and current friends, coworkers, service providers and anyone else you can think of. As you follow people, you’ll acquire followers which are the people you’ll communicate with by updating your status. Twitter uses nicknames rather than First, Last name so for twitter add everyone and anyone you have a common interest with.
There are numerous articles online with advice on how to use all of these sites. The actual websites also have extensive help sections to get you started.
There are endless benefits to marketing your agency on Social Networking sites. You can be in front of existing clients on a daily basis so they build loyalty by seeing you everyday. You can also prospect for new clients by posting your agency name, phone number and updates about the money you’re saving insured’s.
We’ll write more about Social Networking in future posts and how to use it to your benefit, so check back often.