New Website Design Launched for Business Buyers and Sellers

Regular visitors to our blog will notice the site has been completely redesigned. We went from a blog site to a traditional brochure website. The site is easier for users to navigate when searching for businesses to purchase or researching how to sell their business. Our web consultants R3R designed, created and launched the site last week. Our niche is and always will be selling insurance agencies. Since joining RE/MAX Commercial we’ve gained a wealth of resources for our clients to take advantage of. We offer assistance with buying or leasing Commercial Property, Valuing a Business, Selling Businesses and of course Selling Insurance Brokerages. Please peruse the site and feel free to send any comments or suggestions about it’s functionality and content. We’ve changed the Insurance Agencies for Sale link to Buy a Business. Here you’ll find all of our Business listings for sale. We hope you enjoy the site – we’ll continue adding new content so visitors can learn about how to buy, sell and operate their business. Your comments are appreciated and all replies are answered the same day we receive them.