Many agents that own insurance agencies are under the impression that this is a bad time to sell their agency. Our statistics show that over the past 5 months, we’ve received 32 buyer inquiries to every 1 seller. Many agency owners that are considering selling, are afraid that the soft market and bad economy will not fetch them top dollar for their book of business. The reality is, it’s the exact opposite!
You can tell by the numbers of 32:1, that there’s a lot of demand for independent agencies. In addition to this, many of these buyers have larger books and because they’re not growing organically, they want to acquire books of business in order to show some growth for the year.
Agencies are in a tough position these days. If you don’t have a World Class Sales Culture, an above average web presence and a staff that understands how to sell to the modern consumer, growing is a very difficult proposition. With Cap Gains taxes constantly under fire, the market showing no signs of hardening and direct writers taking market share with their online presence, there’s no better time to sell than NOW.
If you’d like a free, confidential, no obligation consultation about selling your agency or book of business, please contact us today for more information.