Many insurance agencies invest little or no time in maintaining accounting records. Commission statements aren’t filed, loss ratios are shredded and payroll reports are nowhere to be found. Believe it or not, the hardest part about selling your agency is proving your annual revenue. We’re constantly helping agency owners contact insurance carriers for past commission statements and loss ratios. Here are a few steps to help you organize this information so if and when you decide to sell, your agency is ready to show to suitors. If you don’t intend on selling, maintaining this information will help you make informative management decisions when it comes to spending money, hiring and determining which carriers are actually profitable to write from a commission stand point.
- When you receive your statements from a carrier, file them in a manila folder and label it “CARRIER 2010”. You should have a separate folder for each carrier. If you receive them electronically, PRINT and file them. Yes, we’re big proponents of a paperless environment, but this information will need to be printed eventually.
- Add a worksheet to the top of each folder with a graph of 12 months. Each month, write the commission received in the graph under the appropriate month.
- File them alphabetically by carrier in a bankers box. Maintain a separate bankers box for each year.